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Dimanche 09 F�vrier

[Visite] Did I stay too long in the NL?...

Sunday I was very tired and was starting to get sick. Not only school was keeping me busy but because of work I had to finish some tasks on Saturday. In this case, what you have to do is stay home and rest in bed. However... It was February. And it meant that there weren't a lot of days left to visit more free places... Yep, even if I have to die, I need to make a profit on this free card x) (I think this is actually dutcher than Dutch :lol.)

I don't remember how and when but the next destination was Murin-an. The funny part is that this garden is not really well known by the inhabitants of Kyoto (not that surprising, I'm sure I'm not aware of a lot of places in Lyon XD)

So with few friends we went there but before we had lunch at the place I went twice already XD where you can eat as much rice as you want. The problem is that I wasn't hungry at all because for once I managed to eat before going out :(

We took the subway to get there, and for the umpteenth time I'm again in the Higashiyama area (east side of Kyoto).

We were lucky as the weather was quite fine (I'm always lucky I think :d.), so it was easier to take pictures.

unknown unknown unknown unknown

However one of my friends has a very good camera (and two lenses) so he can take amazingly accurate pictures XD.. With the right contrast, colours, younameit. I have to resign myself. Either I'm with people who have a better camera than mine, or I'm with people who have a very good eye and as a result can take awesome pictures even with a stupid phone...

Anyway, I tried not to think too much about it (and thought about how I could make use of Photoshop XD)

We didn't stay very long there as the garden isn't that big. So we still had plenty of time and decided to visit other places nearby.

I wish I had a more powerful lens...

We first headed to Nanzen-ji. Actually I didn't know to where we were heading as... I was merely following.

So Nanzen-ji... Hmm we didn't see much of it because everything was so expensive XD We said it was better to go back in spring or summer, well, when there is something to see except naked trees XD

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After that... Oh yeah, actually, it was still in Nanzen-ji... After that we went to see the suirokaku. It's only an aqueduct BUT, yes there is a big but XD

We arrived there and saw a lot of people taking pictures of it.
I didn't understand why until...

(if you don't understand it's okay XD Means that your mind is still intact)

And then I understood XD

Please be reassured that all of these people weren't into anime XD I don't think that the grannies who had fun taking pictures there watched the anime.
And to be sure, my friend asked around if they saw the anime XD.. And I thought she was shy :d.

Let's say that 50% of these people took the pictures because of that. Nice :p.

Personally I took the picture because of the anime. I don't see the point of it otherwise XD..

Still within Nanzen-ji we went to Saisho-in. Quite small, nothing special XD..

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And we concluded the day by going to Eikan-dō Zenrin-ji but we were too late and it was closed XD.. (I wanted to leave earlier and stuff but...) Anyway there isn't much to see in winter imho and also I managed to take some pictures XD

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On the way back to the station, we saw few interesting stuff and I cried a bit because I wanted to take a picture of the moon... Which looks like a white dot on my camera. Then I borrowed my friend's camera and... Yeah, I really need to buy a new lens.

Just need to find the time to... Mwahaha...

Pictures: 2014-02-09-1 Murin-an
2014-02-09-2 Nanzen-ji
2014-02-09-3 Suirokaku
2014-02-09-4 Saisho-in
2014-02-09-5 Eikando
2014-02-09-6 Higashiyama

Posté par T@ntely à 12:00:00

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Lundi 03 F�vrier

[Visite] Setsubun o shiyou!*

*Let's do Setsubun!

unknown unknown

In Japan, on the 3rd of February (at least until 202x something), people celebrate Setsubun. It's supposed to celebrate spring (? yeah I don't know why XD) and there are funny stuff to do:

  • You throw roasted soy bean at someone who is wearing a demon (Oni)'s mask. I actually wanted to throw them at people I don't like but I didn't have the opportunity XD
  • You eat a ehō-maki while looking at the direction of your luck. That's in fact a Kansai customs but it's fun :d.
    But you have to close your eyes and keep quiet :|
    A ehō-maki is like a giant uncut sushi roll
  • And we went to see a kyogen performance. The seats were not as good as the first one I attended XD but it was ok.

It started around 2pm but because I'm a good student 8-| I only went after school and couldn't see the first part of the program.

We met up with some friends in a café as we were too early for the second part of the program. Then we headed to enmado to attend the kyogen performance. Not every temple do that, it's not setsubun specific XD

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At the end they threw roasted black beans wrapped in paper at us. And some of the paper had a number and you could win stuff.
I managed to get three of them:

  1. The first fell in my bag XD
  2. The second fell on me
  3. And the third fell behind me and I simply picked it XD

So much for catching...

Then it was time for the 3rd part of the program: eating eho-maki at my friend's place.

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That was actually the part I liked the most. Not because I was very hungry and finally happy to eat something XD But more because we had so much fun.

So as said you have to stay quiet while eating the eho-maki. We didn't close our eyes though. And it really wasn't an easy task.
When I first heard about Setsubun I wanted to be the one to mess around XD But I didn't have to do that, other people took care of it XD

Well, I did manage to stay focused and I finished my eho-maki the first I think. It wasn't that difficult in fact. We only had a half sized version :d.

Those are the beans you are supposed to throw at Oni.

We couldn't throw them XD (well I tried to hit people with the package, does it count?)

Also it's said that eating as many beans as your age will bring you luck. But because I bought a whole bag I felt compelled to eat all of them. Let's pretend I'm 200 years old, that should do the trick :d.

Next to this, we also got a ehomaki and some beans from our school :).

Because I couldn't eat more, I decided to keep it for the next day XD And this time I closed my eyes and all :D
Though I think it was useless as it wasn't the 3rd any more...

Well at least, for once I had a breakfast good breakfast :d.

Posté par T@ntely à 18:00:00

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Dimanche 02 F�vrier

[Visite] Kaleidoscope museum

Dans la plupart des musées, il est malheureusement interdit de prendre des photos XD..
Donc ben je sais pas trop quoi raconter sur ce musée XD..

Le musée est assez petit mais en même temps un kaléidoscope ne prend pas trop de place. Je sais pas combien il y en avait mais il y en avait vraiment de toutes les sortes :

  • Les "classiques" et parmi eux y a plusieurs sortes
  • Ceux qui ressemblent à des objets déco mais qui ont un orifice par lequel on peut voir ben le "kaléidoscope"
  • Ceux qui utilisent du tissus
  • Ceux avec une manivelle
  • Etc.

Y a beaucoup de sortes XD J'suis sûre que la liste n'est pas exhaustive. A partir du moment qu'un objet a des miroirs et de jolies couleurs, il sera qualifié de kaléidoscope apparemment XD

Ce que j'ai préféré dans ce musée c'est qu'ils expliquent les différentes sortes.

Un kaléidoscope va être composé de 4 parties :

  1. L'objectif, par lequel on regarde
  2. Le tube (qui n'est pas forcément un tube) qui va contenir les miroirs
  3. Les couleurs / le contenant qui va contenir ben ce qui rend un kaléidoscope joli XD
  4. La source de lumière ? L'endroit par lequel la lumière va rentrer

Et en jouant sur ces 4 parties, on va pouvoir créer des effets différents.

  1. J'ai pas trop pu voir la différence, c'était pas très flagrant
  2. Majeure différence. Utiliser 3 ou 4 miroirs ou un unique miroir circulaire, savoir s'ils sont double-face ou non, etc. va jouer énormément sur le résultat final
  3. Bon ça joue aussi mais je trouve ça moins spectaculaire XD Le fait d'utiliser de la glycérine ou non est en fait, pour moi, ce qui va jouer le + Avec de la glycérine les mouvements des couleurs seront + fluides, donc + beaux :D
  4. Qui l'eut cru mais l'orifice d'entrée de la lumière change l'image que l'on voit dans le kaléidoscope (sans blague mwaha)

Ça prouve quand même qu'à partir du moment qu'on a des miroirs, n'importe qui peut s'amuser à en fabriquer un. Par contre, en faire un original est + difficile.

Sur les dizaines (?) de kaléidoscopes exposés, mes préférés étaient :

  1. Snowflake de Akiko Suzuki. Un kaléidoscope classique mais wow c'était beau. Et en rajoutant de la lumière (merci l'ojiisan du musée qui nous a bien aidées XD) c'est encore + beau
  2. J'ignore le nom mais fallait y penser. Par contre pour expliquer ça avec des mots... Ce kaléidoscope est composé de deux parties: le kaléidoscope "classique" et une source de lumière, qui est réfléchie vers le kaléidoscope par un miroir. Les deux parties sont placées de part et d'autre d'un axe vertical. On peut varier l'angle mais l'axe reste placé sur la bissectrice de l'angle formé par les deux parties (purée ça sert les maths XD).
    Et donc, en variant l'angle on change l'image à l'intérieur, parce qu'en fonction de l'orientation de la source de lumière, les objets dans la partie 3 du kaléidoscope ne vont pas apparaître de la même façon.
    C'est très difficile pour moi d'expliquer XD Mais j'aime beaucoup le concept !
  3. Nom inconnu aussi, mais c'est un kaléidoscope à manivelle. Pas exceptionnel mais le fait qu'il y ait de la musique le place dans mon top 3 XD

Je m'attendais à un truc assez banal mais au final c'était bien intéressant ! P'tet qu'un jour je vais en faire un :d.

Les photos proviennent du site.

Posté par T@ntely à 12:00:00

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